Friday, March 6, 2015

Blog Assignment Week 1

The person I chose to write about is actually my husband.  My husband’s name is Danny and he is a division chief for our local fire department.  One of the most important components of his job is having good communication skills.  He spends a lot of his time communicating in person, over the phone, through emails and through text messages.  He is an effective communicator because he is very knowledge about the issues he is discussing and he is also a good listener.  He listens, processes his thoughts and then expresses what he is thinking.  When he is talking to you in person he has good eye contact, a positive attitude and is approachable.  He is great on picking up how a person is really feeling.  There have been times when our nanny has come over in the morning and Danny can tell right away if something is wrong.  Danny will ask her about it and usually there is something going on at home or with someone she knows that she would like to talk about. 

I hope I do model a positive attitude and that I am approachable like my husband.  I would like to become a better listener because there are times where people will be talking to me but I am totally thinking about something else.   I would also like to learn to be a better communicator when it comes to using technology.  Sometimes I worry that my email or text message might not be sending the right message or have the right tone that I am trying to portray. 


  1. Courtney,

    As I read your blog I kept thinking how important it is in the caring professions to be not only “good with words” but also to have empathy with those you interact with. Sounds like you and your husband have both developed these important traits. Just being aware that you want to continue to improve in this area is an important step in this process!


  2. Courtney,
    It seems like your husband plays a vital role in your community. The manner in which he communicated must definitely be portrayed in an effective and ethical way. You touched on an important topic, that your husband uses, communication through technology. This week, our text discussed how much more people today use and rely on communicating via text messaging, email, im’ing, etc.
    I also feel the same was as you do when it comes to how our message and or attitude are to be portrayed through the use of technology. Hopefully, this course will provide further insight on how to effectively communicate through the use of technology.

  3. Hi Courtney,
    I am so happy to be in another discussion group with you! Your husband definitely sounds like he has the attributes of an effective communicator. I think it is great that he takes the time to check in with your nanny when he senses that she needs to talk. Often people unfortunately don't take the time to do that. I also have a goal of becoming a better listener. I think that we are often multitasking so much that it makes it difficult to give individual conversations the attention they deserve. I'm sure that by taking this course, we will enhance our communication (and technical) skills!

  4. Hi Courtney,

    Your husband seems to have got those essential communication skills necessary to be an effective communicator. However, the skill I find particularly interesting is his listening skills. You are right to point that out, as I find that many people like to talk but not so many people can truly listen to others. I personally also consider that I have a good listening skills and many people would feel very at ease confiding in me. Sometimes I don't have to talk much but simply take the pain to listen to them and acknowledge their feelings. It is something I believe, we also need to learn when dealing with children and their families. Thanks for sharing. Caroline

  5. Courtney,
    Thanks for sharing your post. I think that it was good that you picked your husband. Even though he had good communication skills for his job he also had to have good communication skills t be in this marriage with you. Having good communication skills is good to have in your career but also in the home. Good observation thanks for your post.
