Saturday, March 14, 2015

Blog Week 2

I chose to watch “Parenthood.”  I have heard people talk about watching this show but I personally have never watched this show.  I started watching the episode with no sound and it was difficult for me to figure out what was going on.  I could mostly tell if people were family members and watching their facial expressions gave me ideas about how they were feeling.  Watching the body language was helpful to see if they liked the people they were around or to see if they were upset with someone. 

I watched about half of the episode and then I decided to watch it again with the sound on.  I found out that some of the ways that I thought people were feeling was correct but then other times I was not correct.  When I watched with the sound off I thought Max was upset with his dad and did not want him to talk to the person on the phone.  When I watched with the sound on I found out that Max was super excited about getting the job of photographer at his uncle’s wedding and he wanted to tell his dad about it.  Even thought I could get a pretty good idea about what how a person was feeling when I watched the show with no sound it was much more enjoyable to watch with sound.  I definitely had a better understanding of what was happening in the show when the sound was on.  I also found myself getting more emotional about certain parts when the sound was on. 

I believe if this show had been a show I was familiar with it would have been easier to understand what was going on even when there was no sound.  For example, had this show been “Friends” I probably could have understood it pretty well even with the sound off.

One thing that was eye opening for me was once I begin to understand a little bit of the story of the show it was easier to understand what was going on even when there was no verbal communication.  There was a wedding part and a part at the end of the show that just played music while everyone continued acting.  It was easy for me to understand what was going on during this time once I had a little bit of an understanding of what was happening in the show.


  1. Courtney,
    I was glad to see you had a different perspective than I had when watching the show on mute and then watching it with the sound. I watched the show Roseanne and I found the non-verbal communication to be very accurate to what was going on in the show. I think sometimes we find non-verbal communication can be inaccurate in our daily interactions with people and when it is inaccurate the message trying to be sent is not always received accurately. Watching a TV show on mute can show us the importance of non-verbal interactions.

  2. Courtney,

    Context is so important and gives us so many visual cues to decipher what is being communicated. When the sound is muted, we have a role much like a detective trying to piece together information through what we observe. This made me think that about the acute observation skills (along with lip reading) that hearing impaired people must develop in order to be able to communicate effectively.


  3. Hi Courtney,
    The point you make of having a deeper understanding of the show once you watched just one episode of "Parenthood" is very interesting. Even during brief encounters, we are inundated with information: the precise words in a message, the person's tone of voice, his or her facial expression, and the level of eye contact (O'Hair and Wiemann, 2012). Communication processing is used to collect, organize, and interpret information that we receive.
    O'Hair & Wiemann (2012) Real communication: an introduction. New York: Bedford/St.Martin's

  4. Hi Courtney,

    When I read your post, it makes me realize how body language is so important in an actor's performance. I guessed as an actor, they had to work on their body language and if they could not express feelings through their body language they would not be hired as actors. However, as you rightly said, even watching the best actors performing we cannot always guess right if we based on their body language only and in fact this can be misleading also as there can be many interpretations to those. I also agree with you that knowing about the context already, gives us a better idea about what is going on but certainly, for people without hearing impairment, verbal cues should go along. This assignment has also made me realize how hard it can be for hard hearing children and adults to communicate and this is crucial for us to understand if we want to support those children to the best of our abilities.

  5. Courtney,
    Thank you for your description of Parenthood. Like you, I have a number of friends who love this show, not to mention say I can relate to it on many levels. I felt like the show I chose, Bates Motel, easily focused on the raw emotions. I also think the producers of the show focused on the emotions of the characters and would zoom in on the facial expressions/emotions at necessary times. I was especially able to notice this when the sound was on.

  6. Courtney,
    Thanks for sharing your post. Thank you describing the show parenthood. I have never seen it myself so I couldn't tell you what was going on as well. I can relate to not knowing any of the details watching a show without sound. When I turned the sound on on the show I was watching everything became more clearer as well. Thanks for your post.
