Sunday, January 18, 2015

My Family Culture

There are not many items I would feel I would need to take with me.  As long as I had my family that would be all I needed.  If I had to choose three items the first one I would choose is my wedding ring.  I would take my wedding ring because it is an item that is with me everyday and represents the bond between my husband and I.  It represents our love and dedication to each other.  I would also take my beautiful cross necklace my husband bought me before we were married.  It is special because my husband gave it to me and it represents my faith in my savior.  The third item I would take with me is a small photo album that contains pictures of my children.  Pictures are items I truly do cherish and many times are not replaceable.     

In the end if I could only keep one item I would keep my wedding ring.  It is the only item out of the three that is with me everyday and was given to me on such a special day in my life.  After really thinking about this assignment, I feel that material items are really not that important to me.  Spending time with my family and creating memories is what is most important to me.  Having these strong relationships creates memories and you can always take memories with you no matter where you go.  If you don’t have relationships what do you really have in this world?


  1. Wedding Ring! Yes! I thought about taking my wedding ring also but I could not decide between the thing that I tied to my husband and some of the other thing things that I tied to my children and family This was a fantastically difficult question! Wow. Great job tackling this question!

  2. Courtney,
    Thanks for your post. I really enjoyed reading it. I think if I was married I would also take my wedding ring because this would be a very important day in my life and would never want to forget it. Thanks for sharing.
