Saturday, August 22, 2015

Reflecting on Learning

Throughout this course I have learned a lot and reflected on how what I am learning will look like in my own classroom.  One of my most passionate hopes for my future as an early childhood professional is to make every moment count.  I do not want to miss out on any of those teachable moments with my young learners.  Days get busy and there is so much going on in a classroom that sometimes I feel like I miss out on a great opportunity for me to help my students be more confident or aware of what is happening around them.  I do not want to miss out on the opportunity to help them see how their words and actions are influences someone else’s feelings.  I want to help teach them the skills to be able to stand up for themselves and others against prejudice.  Many times I feel like these skills can be taught throughout each day if I just make sure to take the time to teach them.  In regards to the families I work with I want them all to feel welcome and visible in my classroom.  I want them to feel comfortable to ask questions and be willing to work with me to help their child develop.  I want them to know how important their love and guidance is in their child’s ability to learn and grow. 

Thank you to all of my colleagues and instructor during this course.  It has been a joy to read your discussion and blog posts and to see the different perspectives shared during this class.  It is always a good educational experience to hear other people’s ideas and views on different issues.  Thank you for taking the time to do great work during this class and help me grow as an early childhood educator. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Impacts on Early Emotional Development

I chose to look at the Caribbean because I love to vacation in the Caribbean.  We have taken a few cruises in the Caribbean and I have visited some of the islands in this area of the world.  After visiting these islands I have always been interested in learning more about the children on these islands.  One island I looked closer at was Dominica.  My husband and I took a tour on this island about five years ago.  When we arrived on the shores of the island it was very beautiful with all different types of colors on the buildings.  We had a wonderful time on this island but saw from the beginning that it was definitely less industrialized then other islands and we wondered about the economy on the island. 

“UNICEF is on the ground in over 150 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence” (UNICEF, 2011). When I looked at the UNICEF website I found a story about a seventeen year old boy, Remoff, who at a young age lived with a variety of different people while his parents worked at jobs on other islands.  He was headed down the wrong path until he finally got help and started attending Social Centre.  Social Centre is a school funded by UNICEF with a location on the Dominica.  Since Remoff did not have a strong support system at home he did not have the emotional or financial support to stay in school.  UNICEF has given him the opportunity to work on his high school education and hopefully move on to college.  Many children do not have access to daycare or preschool in the Dominica.  This lack of educational opportunity can have a negative effect on children’s emotional wellbeing and development.  A nineteen-year-old named Christian is working with the Roving Caregivers Programme to help support and train parents to provide a better life for their children (UNICEF, 2011).  This was a great opportunity for children and families to see the importance of male figures helping in the development of children. 

Another island I looked closer at was Jamaica.  I was saddened to read about how prevalent sexual abuse against children is in the Caribbean.  In this region sexual abuse against children is greatly underreported and victims are made to feel a great deal of shame.  “A study in Jamaica indicated that men often believe they have a right to engage in sex with girls under their care, while children in Guyana reported believing that sexual violence can be blamed on a victim’s clothing” (UNICEF, 2011).  Any type of sexual abuse would have a devastating effect on a child’s emotional wellbeing and development. 

As I was reviewing this website I found it very upsetting to read about all the challenges children face but I also found it inspiring to know that there is an agency working to help these children.  It also reminded me that children right here in America face some of these same challenges and devastating situations.  I was reminded of the importance of really knowing the children in my classroom and being a strong resource for them and their families. 

UNICEF (2011). Retrieved from:

Friday, August 7, 2015

The Sexualization of Early Childhood

As I started to read the introduction from the book So Sexy So Soon my jaw began to drop.  Even though I have noticed how girls are dressing more provocative at a much younger age and I have heard young children say things that I thought should never have come out of the mouth of a child that young, some of the stories told at the beginning of this introduction were very disturbing.  “Sexualization has to do with treating other people (and sometimes oneself) as objects of sexual desire . . . as things rather than as people with legitimate sexual feelings of their own” (Levin & Kilbourne, 2009, p. 4).  I do take notice of some of the clothing teenage girls wear as well as young preschool girls.  It is disturbing to me when I see teenage girls wear shorts that pretty much show their bottoms.  It is even more irritating to me when they wear these types of clothing to school and the school does nothing about it.  Our school district actually made a stronger dress code for students and teachers that go into affect this school year.  I am interested to see if the school really makes students or teachers change their clothes when they are dressed inappropriately.  I see preschoolers wear clothing that I feel is just too grown up for them.  If it is something a teenager would wear if it were in their size then I am not sure a preschooler needs to wear it.  I feel like we push young children to dress way above their age because parents think they look stylish and cute. 

“When people are sexualized, their value comes primarily from their sex appeal, which is equated with physical attractiveness. This is especially damaging and problematic to children and adolescents who are developing their sense of themselves as sexual beings” (Levin & Kilbourne, 2009, p. 4).  If you listen to children play in a preschool classroom you will hear them make remarks to what someone looks like and how these looks affect that person’s ability to do different things.  For example a girl might say she wants to be the cheerleader but another student will tell her you have to be pretty to be a cheerleader.  It is sad to see how much importance is placed on what people look like.  Young children watch the older children and adults in their lives place too much value on what they look like.  This can also be true when it come to dieting.  It is amazing to listen to young girls talk about going on a diet or things they will not eat because they need go on a diet.  Our society places too much value on what people look like on the outside and not enough value on what people are like on the inside. 

“The sexualization of childhood is having a profoundly disturbing impact
on children’s understanding of gender, sexuality, and relationships” (Levin & Kilbourne, 2009, p. 3).  As an early childhood educator it is extremely important to be a good model for your students.  Make sure you are dressing appropriately and professionally.  Make sure you are not only commenting on certain children’s outfits but also making sure everyone in your classroom feels special.  Make sure you model healthy eating habits and be aware that children are constantly watching what you do and say.  Also make sure you are available for your students and willing to answer their difficult questions.

The readings this week have opened my eyes to sexualization and made me want to be more aware of its implications on my young preschoolers and my own children.  I realized I had a little bit of knowledge regarding this subject but not nearly enough.  I also realized I had no idea how big of a problem this is can be and how young it can start.  This is an issue that is not going away but one that definitely needs to be addressed at an early age. 

Levin, D. E., & Kilbourne, J. (2009). [Introduction]. So sexy so soon: The new sexualized childhood and what parents can do to protect their kids (pp. 1-8). New York: Ballantine Books. Retrieved from:

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice

I would have to say that throughout my life I have not experienced that many isms.  My Walden education has opened my eyes to exactly what isms are and how they influence my own opinions about different issues.  This week I am going to talk about classism.  “Classism is an attitude, action or practice of an individual or institution, backed by societal power, that gives preferential treatment to or treats as superior those with more economic resources or higher social status and treats as inferior or denies access to those with fewer economic resources or less social status” (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p. xi).  I have always pictured myself as a working mother.  There has never really been a time in my life where I thought I would be a stay at home mom.  I believe teaching is the perfect job because you get the same holidays off as your children and I get to spend a lot of time with them during the summer.  I do put in a lot of extra time at work during the school year but I believe it all evens itself out.  On the other hand I have often felt like my own mother wishes and believes I should stay home with my children.  My mother was not a stay at home mother while I was growing up because financially she wasn’t able to be.  There have been times when I have felt that my mother has looked down on me because of my choice not to stay at home with my children.  This feeling has also carried into my classroom.  I have wonderful families that attend my preschool but many of them are stay at home mothers.  I have great respect for stay at home mothers and sometimes feel like it would be harder than being a working mother.  Even though there are times when I feel this way there are also times when I hear stay at home mom’s complaining about what they have to get accomplished and I think you have no idea.  Try getting all of that stuff done on top of having a fulltime teaching job.  I definitely try to not let this feeling impact my teaching and I do believe I have learned to appreciate the challenges of stay at home moms and working moms.  I believe it is important to remember that we all have challenges, obligations and many goals we are trying to get accomplished whether we are doing that in a working environment, at home or both. 

Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC.