Friday, April 10, 2015

Blog Assignment 6

The team I participated on that was hardest to leave was my basketball team I played on in high school.  In seventh grade my family and I moved to a town of about 10,000 people.  From that time I started playing basketball with a group of girls.  We continued to play together until we graduated high school.  We did not win any championships or anything but I spent a lot of time with this group of girls.  We spent many hours working together on our basketball skills at practice and a variety of camps.  We also spent many hours together outside of basketball.  We had the opportunity to travel together and form strong relationships with each other.  We watched each other grow up and mature throughout the years.  I felt many emotions when the basketball season was over my senior year.  A part of me was excited for the new advantages that were ahead for me but I was also sad because I was not going to have these same experiences with these same people ever again.  I guess graduation was the closing ritual for this group of girls but it would have been fun to take a trip together before we all went our separate ways. Now with Facebook I am able to stay in touch with many of these ladies and I enjoy seeing their families and what they have done with their lives. 

I believe the hardest groups to leave are the ones where you have made close relationships with the group members, you have worked hard together to meet accomplishments and you have been a part of the team or group for a long time.  I imagine I will adjourn from the group of colleagues here at Walden by posting thank you and well wishes on their individual blogs.  I believe adjourning is an essential stage of teamwork because it brings closer to the process and experience.  It allows people to acknowledge their group accomplishments and look forward to what is in store for each person in the future.


  1. Courtney,
    I think the longer we spend with a group the harder it is to adjourn a group, but I think adjourning does not always mean its the end. It means its the end of one part, but you will each go in individual directions to pursue your goals and always have one another to lean on when needed.

  2. Courtney,
    I agree that adjourning is an important aspect of team development. Through it we end on a positive note and can reflect on what was learned and take the time to celebrate our achievements. It is also a building block for future endeavors. The camaraderie you experienced has equipped you to build self-confidence and strength that you can carry forward.

  3. Ms.Griswold,
    Your blog took me waaaay back to my high school senior year in 1981. I was in the senior class group, the student council and other clubs. Leaving my friends was indeed one of the most difficult processes entering young adulthood.

  4. What a great story! it sounds like you had great relationships with your basketball friends. It is great that we are able to keep connections with our friends through social media. I know I enjoy getting to see how everyone of my friends are doing.

  5. courtney,
    thanks for sharing your post very interesting. I agree with being on such teams you build a certain relationship with your team mates. I have played two sports while i was in high school and I had a close relationship with all my teammates. most of us was together the whole four years and you build this bond. After graduation I really only still talk to one friend. being able to communicate with my team mates and build these wonderful relationships with them has helped me in the future with personal relationship as well.


  6. Courtney,
    I wanted to take this time and thank you for the informative blogs you posted each week. You expressed how you are an effective communicator in the field and on a personal level, too. You show true commitment to the education of young children through your stories of working with preschoolers and their families. I want to wish you best of luck with Walden University and in the ECE field!!

  7. Courtney,
    I wanted to take this time and thank you for all the information that you have shared. All the information you have posted were very informative. I wish you the best of luck in your future classes.
