Friday, July 11, 2014

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are very important to us.  People who have strong relationships they can count on are usually healthier and happier people.  One of the most important relationships I have is my relationship with my mother.  Of course this relationship started when she was pregnant with me.  For me this has probably been one of the easiest relationships to maintain because she is a wonderful mother and has always made me feel loved and important to her.  It was just my mom and I for the first seven years of my life so that built a strong foundation for our relationship.  Through the years my mom’s constant support of me has been important in our strong relationship.  Even when I was a teenager and at times not the nicest person to my mother, she was always supportive of me.  As I got older my relationship with my mother became even stronger and I would reflect back to those times when she loved me unconditionally.  I also believe our relationship saw new strengths when I became a mother.

Another extremely important relationship in my life is my relationship with my husband.  From the beginning our relationship has been built on trust, respect, understanding, support and lots of love.  We truly enjoy each other’s company and experiencing life together.  I believe this joy helps strengthen our relationship and is important for our children to witness.  My husband is an outstanding father and watching him love our children makes me love him even more!  I also believe we have great communication which is essential in a relationship. 

An important work relationship that I have is my relationship with my teaching assistant.  We both know that we have a very important job and we both want what is best for our students.  Having a mutual understanding is helpful when it comes to doing our best work.  We are both supportive of each other and have respect for each other.  We enjoy listening to each other’s ideas and encouraging each other.  This relationship is also important because she is someone I can confide in when I am having difficulty with a parent or student.  We can then work together to find the best solution.

I believe with all relationships it is important to have great communication.  People are not always going to agree with each other but you definitely need to be able to talk about issues so that you can come to a mutual understanding.  That understanding may be that you see it this way and they see it another way, but it needs to be a respectful conversation.  I believe in a school sometimes you have people who are very offended if you do not agree with them on an issue.  This characteristic in people can make relationships difficult.  I think if everyone agreed on every thing life would be really boring!  If you are having a misunderstanding with someone you really need to communicate with him or her.  I also believe this communication should be done in person, not on email or text messaging.


  1. Courtney, You have a beautiful family! I can relate to your comments about having a strong relationship with your mother. My mom and I have an inseparable relationship as well. I agree with your comments about your relationship with your husband is built on trust and respect . That is the most important of any relationship along with communication. When you're happy, all around you will be happy!

  2. Hi Courtney,
    I feel blessed with the relationship I have with my mother as well and I completely agree with you on communication. I believe the reason that teachers sometimes don't agree with each other is because we are so passionate about the way we feel. (We also generally like to be "right"!) And YES!!! conflict needs to be resolved face to face! Great Post!! Your children are adorable!!!

  3. What a nice family! It sounds like your relationship with your mother started out in a very positive way and taught you how to mother your own children.

    The thing that stood out the most to me was how you described your husband. I completely agree with your statement, "My husband is an outstanding father and watching him love our children makes me love him even more!" I feel the same way about my husband. I just love to watch him interacting with our son. I look forward to learning alongside you during this course.


  4. Courtney, Thanks for sharing! What a beautiful family! I agree with you about communication. It is so important to talk about differences and definitely not by email! I think we have probably all learned that lesson the hard way! :-) I've come to a point in my life that I just have to say what I need to say - always with respect and good intention, but I don't seem to have the patience for wondering if someone is upset or being upset myself and not talking about it. It's too hard to try and figure out everyone's feelings, especially in a leadership position. I find that it's best just to clear the air as soon as possible.

  5. Hi Courtney,
    Great post; I really enjoyed reading about the different relationships that you have in your life. It is always nice to see pictures too! I completely agree with you about communication. I also think that face to face communication is very important especially when people might be having a disagreement. Through personal communication it can be approached in a positive way and is less likely to be misunderstood. -Mary
