Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Connections to Play

"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning.  But for children, play is serious learning." - Mr. Rogers

We all had a playroom growing up.  It was called "outside." - Anonymous

Essential play items when I was younger!

When I was a child I remember playing all the time.  I spent hours playing with dolls, riding my bike, going to the park and playing with my friends.  When the weather was nice we were always outside.  When I was about five years old we lived in an apartment building.  I remember playing with the other children in the apartment building.  We would play outside and ride our bikes on the sidewalk right in front of our apartments.  My mom would check on me often and sometimes stay outside with me.  My mom would also take me to the park and watch me as I played on the equipment.  I had a pretend kitchen and I would make my mom all kinds of different food.  My mother always encouraged me to play and many times would watch me play or play with me.  All of these are very fond memories when I think of my childhood.  I learned a lot about getting along with people, communicating and problem solving through my play.  Today children do not get nearly enough time to play outside or inside.  Children definitely spend way too much time watching television, playing video games and using technology.  I understand that parents have to be more protected of their children because society has changed during the last twenty-five years.  I am a parent myself and I am just starting to let my seven year old go in our backyard without me being out there with him.  Even though I am very protected of my children I do understand the importance of play and exploring outside.  I enjoy watching my children play with each other and friends.  My husband and I also spend a lot of time playing with our children and this does help you feel like a child again.  Growing up I loved playing basketball and always wanted a basketball court in my yard.  We have a basketball hoop in our backyard and we love having family games and competitions.  I hope, as my children get older they will get the opportunity to experience the fun of playing night games in their neighborhood.  If nothing else they will get to play night games with their parents!  


  1. Hi Courtney,
    I cracked up when I saw your cabbage patch doll, my daughter would definitely include hers as a childhood favorite as well. Your childhood sounds like it was wonderful, and your children are blessed to have a mom that knows as much as you do about the benefits of play for their healthy development! Keep up the great work!

  2. Thank you for the walk down memory lane! I could just feel your excitement as you were enjoying your memories of playing outside as a child. It just boggles my mind that children don't get to go outside and play after school and on weekends. Instead, they spend too much time inside on some technology gadget. I believe that if children were required to play outdoors, they would be more motivated to learn new things and be more creative, instead of getting into trouble. Great memories!

  3. I love your quote about the outside being our playroom. I never had a playroom growing up now playrooms are very common. The children need to get outside more instead of playing inside with games.
