Friday, April 18, 2014

Examining Codes of Ethics


I-1.1 - To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training.
I believe it is important to have a good foundation in the knowledge of early childhood care and education.  I have a very important job and I want to make sure I am knowledgeable in my work.  I feel that I must have continuing education and training to be able to properly help my students and families.  I believe I have a responsibility to always be a lifelong learner!

I-1.7 - To use assessment information to understand and support children's development and learning, to support instruction, and to identify children who may need additional services.
I believe early childhood educators have an important job of trying to reach children at young ages.  What each child needs can be so different and we are responsible for finding out what is going to be beneficially for each child.

I-3A.1 - To establish and maintain relationships of respect, trust, confidentiality, collaboration and cooperation with co-workers.
I-3A.2 - To share resources with co-workers, collaborating to ensure that the best possible early childhood care and education program is provided. 
I picked both of these ethics because I feel they are so important.  I believe everyone does better in their work if they are doing something they enjoy and doing it with people they enjoy working with each day.  I learn a lot from other co-workers and great co-workers definitely improve my knowledge and ability to be successful at my job.


Responsive Family Centered Practices
4.     We shall empower families with information and resources so that they are informed consumers of services for their children.
I know I love having resources and so do families.  Helping families know that they can help their children is very rewarding for both the families and the teacher.


  1. Courtney, I respect the codes that you picked this week. I especially connect to the idea of how when your work place is positive, you are going to do a better job. When I think about a school setting, I hope to accomplish this one day.

  2. Hi Courtney. Being a lifelong learner is very important in the field that we have chosen. Things are constantly changing and new ideas and sources are constantly coming about. I'm happy to see that you realize that and want to continue learning!

  3. Hi Courtney,
    I picked similar codes of ethics. Gaining more knowledge and utilizing to help the parents and children that I serve is one of my main goals. I also agree when you are in a positive workplace it will help you feel better and want to do better.

  4. Courtney,
    I have enjoyed getting to know you through this course. I hope that we will continue through the program together so that I can learn more from your experience in early childhood. I wish you the best of luck!
    Take care,


  5. Courtney,
    It is obvious of your love and passion for children. I have enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know you. Hopefully we have more classes together and information and experiences to share. I know how difficult it is to go to school and raise a family. Give yourself a pat on the back! :) I wish you much luck.
    Sincerely, Kimberly
