Saturday, September 6, 2014

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

This week I attempted to make contact with two early childhood professionals outside of the United States.  I went to the Global Alliance of NAEYC website and emailed a dozen different people from Africa, Asia and Europe.  Over half of my emails came back undeliverable.  I am hoping I will get a response from some of the emails that did go through.  I also talked with other teachers at my school as well as my principal to see if they had any professional contacts outside of the United States but they did not.  I also spent a little time looking at the UNICEF website.  This website looks like it is full of important information.  If I do not hear back from any of the people I tried to email I will need to choose the alternate assignment. 

Since I teach preschool and I am passionate about the importance of preschool I chose to study the Pre K Now: A Campaign of the Pew Center on the States.  I also signed up to receive their weekly newsletter.  I am excited to explore this website further and find out all it has to offer. 

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