Friday, October 23, 2015

Time Well Spent

Wow!!  I cannot tell you how excited I am about completing my Master’s degree.  As many of you know, being a wife, mother, full-time teacher and a college student is tremendous work.  This program has taken great dedicated and commitment.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my learning and growing through this program especially the capstone class.  One of my deep felt learnings from this program is the importance of knowing my own biases.  Of course everyone has biases but do people really know their own biases and know how those biases are influencing their work, relationships and ability to help other people.  During this program I found that knowing my own biases and being aware of them is extremely important in forming relationships and helping children reach their developmental potential.  A second deep felt learning from this program is just the knowledge of what diversity entails and the importance of making sure that every family that enters my preschool feels welcomed, needed, visible and appreciated.  A third deep felt learning from this program is the importance and necessity of having strong effective relationships with coworkers, students and the families you serve.  I have always felt this is a very important quality but this program has highlighted the necessity of relationships and their impact on children’s growth and development.  It has also highlighted the necessity of relationships on my own professional growth.

One short-term goal I have is to actually use some of the technology I talked about in my capstone project in my own classroom.  I have already created a Class Messenger account for each of my preschool classes and I am excited to use this technology with my students and their families.  For a long-term goal I would eventually like to be able to use a digital tool such as Evernote to help families have more opportunities to actually see what their children do in class each day.  Another long-term goal would be to continue to learn and grow in the field of early childhood education.  I want to do the best I can do to help reach more children and make an early childhood education more attainable for all children in my city and state.

I would like to say I huge thank you to Dr. Embree for her guidance, encouragement and support throughout this capstone project.  She did a great job pushing me further forward in my thinking.  I believe the capstone class helped me learn and grow the most throughout my educational experience at Walden.  Also a huge thank you to all of my colleagues that have gone through this experience with me.  It was encouraging to learn from each of you and to see different ways of looking at topics through your thoughts and ideas.  I wish you all the best in the future and congratulate you all on achieving such a huge accomplishment. I leave you with this graduation video containing some of my favorite quotes. 

Then for a little fun I wanted to leave you with a video of my son trying body surfing on our family vacation this summer.  The video wouldn't work so I am leaving you with a few pictures!  My son is eight years old and was very nervous and unsure if he was going to try this activity.  In the end he tried it, loved it and did it multiple times.  I think it is a good reminder to all of us of the importance of getting out of your comfort zone, trying something new and watching the amazing results!  Best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors! 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The first international organization that I have an interest in is Save the Children.  “In 2014, Save the Children worked in 120 countries, including the United States, and helped more than 166 million children — including more than 55 million children directly” (Save the Children, 2015).  Save the children invests in childhood and ensures every child has a healthy start and an opportunity to learn.  Save the children is dedicated to child-focused emergency readiness and ensuring children’s voices are heard and needs are addressed.  The depth of what Save the Children accomplishes and the amount of children and people it reaches is very appealing to me. 

One job that was interesting to me was the Program Specialist.  “The Program Specialist is the on-the-ground Save the Children staff member providing training, technical assistance, and management support to program partners to ensure quality program implementation and results for children” (Save the Children, 2015).  The program specialist must ensure accurate and up-to-date data collection and reporting for each assigned site and consult with the Senior Specialist about program questions and needs (Save the Children, 2015).  The following is the required background and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in early childhood education, child development or related field. Master's degree highly preferred 
  • Minimum of three years relevant experience in the area of infant/toddler development. 
  • Experience as a trainer/mentor/coach.
  • Experience with home visiting programming, working in rural communities with limited resources, and working with families who are economically challenged is preferred.
  • Experience in working with or supporting professional/paraprofessional home visitors.
  • A strong foundation in relationship-based work and supervision. (Save the Children, 2015)

Another international organization I was interested in was the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).  “ACEI is a global community of educators and advocates who unite knowledge, experience, and perspectives in order to exchange information, explore innovation, and advocate for children” (Association for Childhood Education International, 2015).  Their mission is “to promote and support the optimal education, development, and well-being of children and youth worldwide” (Association for Childhood Education International, 2015).  This organization appealed to me because it really focuses on advocating for the children and working with the teachers and caregivers to improve the standards and well being of children.  Another very cool aspect of their website was that you could change the website to be in a different language.  There were numerous languages to choose from.  I did not see any job openings in this website.  I did see how to become a member, do an internship and many different ways you could volunteer. 

Another international organization I was interested in was the International Step by Step Association (ISSA).  ISSA is a vibrant network that connects professionals and non-profit organizations working in the field of early childhood development” (International Step by Step Association, 2015).  “ISSA’s vision is a society where families, communities and professionals work together to empower each child to reach her or his full potential and embrace values of social justice and equity” (International Step by Step Association, 2015).  This organization was appealing to me because it really focused on the families and teachers working together in a professional community to support children’s development and learning.  ISSA is open to all individuals and organizations that would like to join.  It is my understanding that ISSA is ran by volunteers. 

The Council is a voting body which enables ISSA to achieve its goals and objectives. The Council is composed of ISSA’s full members, who are independent, locally-established parent/teacher associations, foundations, and educational organizations, working closely with educators and early childhood experts, parents, community groups and policy makers in the field of early childhood care and education. 
The Council meets annually at the General Assembly Meeting to discuss strategic issues and conduct the official business of the association, such as voting on annual strategies, budgets and reports. The Council elects a governing Board of Directors to oversee the policy development and implementation of ISSA’s strategies. The Board consists of no less than six members who do their work on a voluntary basis and do not receive any remuneration for their activities. The board meets at least twice a year.  (International Step by Step Association, 2015)

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI). (2015). Retrieved from
International Step by Step Association (ISSA). (2015).  Retrieved from
Save the Children. (2015). Retrieved from